MONDAY SCHEDULE I’am get up at 04 : 00 am a’clock, after that get up I’am take a bathed in the bathroom us soap for body, shampo plor hair and toot past with tootbrus for clean teeth. After that at 04 : 30 am I’am go ing to the mosque for prayer shalat subuh togethe with Father. After to Mosque I was beck to home. In the morning I had breakfast of fried rice at 07 : 00 am, I’am going to campus University Gunadarma use motor vehicle at 08 : 00 am I’am arrived in campus University Gunadarma at 09 : 15 am. On 09 : 30 am I’am studied economic development , until 13 :30 after that me and my friend a break and go eated. on 13 : 30 pm I’am studied introductory economics , on the move on 15 : 30 pm I’am studying social politic up to finish at 17 : 30 pm. After studying in the University Gunadarma I’am going to beck home from campus at 17 :45 pm and I got home at 18 : 30 pm.